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Single Review: “Voices” by Chris Young

May 13, 2008

I’ve always considered Chris the most classic of the former Nashville Star winners. To my surprise and my excitement he is back and awaiting the release of his sophomore album. This song will be the first single off of that project, it’s title track “Voices”.

Of all the songs that I’ve heard from Chris I’d say this is my favorite. I thought it would turn out to be a premature song for the fans that brought him from a Nashville nobody to an instant star just by seeing the name. Instead it turns out to be a dedication to his family and a tribute to the life lessons that they and others have imprinted on his brain. He targets mostly family lessons through his parents and grandparents such as “My dad sayin’ quit the team/And you’ll be a quitter for the rest of your life“, “Mama tellin’ me to drop some cash/In the offering plate on Sunday” and “granddad sayin’ you can have a few/But don’t ever cross that line“. Not one line in this song is meant to tell the story from a different perspective. Chris makes it clear and obvious that this is written about him and told through his personal respect and thankfulness for the life lessons and advice that still ring true from his family in his ears.

One of the coolest things about this song is that Chris also manages to address those around him and their feelings towards the voices in his head without overdoing anything in the song. He basically tells them off and says as a universal response to each of them “Sometimes I try to ignore ’em/But I thank God for ’em/’Cause they made me who I am“. Chris defiantly earned his place in record deal by winning Nashville Star, but I think this is the first time I believe he has earned his place in country music. Thank you RCA for giving him one more shot.


Grade: A-

14 Comments leave one →
  1. May 13, 2008 10:32 pm

    I’m a little surprised that RCA is giving him another shot, after his first two singles went nowhere I figured RCA would just drop him. I guess Sony isn’t as evil as I thought.

  2. May 14, 2008 1:17 am

    I agree with your review, Voices is a wonderful song and I’m glad to see Chris coming out with a fresh single. I’m eagerly awaiting the new cd release. Thanks for the review.

  3. Lisa permalink
    May 15, 2008 10:04 pm

    I don’t think there was ever a question as to RCA dropping Chris. They know he is a great talent, he just needs that one song to lead him to the top of the charts…I think he’s finally found it! I mean come on, haven’t we all heard “voices” at one time or another!!

  4. kari45 permalink
    May 16, 2008 1:56 am

    I also agree with this review. If you ever meet Chris in person, you will know his appreciation for the tradiion from which country music comes from. Chris is all
    about family and hard work. His talent , song writing and dedication will take him far!!!

  5. Kent permalink
    May 16, 2008 9:10 pm

    I haven;\’t actually heard this song yet, but I’m really glad he’s getting another chance. I really think he has great talent, and I loved Drinkin’ Me Lonely.

  6. Shoregirl permalink
    May 17, 2008 1:46 pm

    I agree – “Voices” is gonna be a big hit for Chris! The song has a great classic country sound… coming from an amazing voice! 🙂 I thought it was funny to read, “He’s back”… I didn’t realize he’d gone anywhere…. LOL There are many of us who have been listening to his music, new and old, for the past year and going to his shows… waiting – sometimes not so patiently 😉 – for the next single to be released and the second album to go on sale!!! I’m so excited the time is finally here – Chris is definitey worth the wait! 🙂

  7. Carrie permalink
    May 18, 2008 9:48 pm

    I agree with the review. “Voices” is a great song, and frankly so is everything he sings. Chris is someone to watch out for as he will be going far!

  8. May 22, 2008 5:24 am

    I love this song, and I can’t wait for the new album to come out.

  9. SueAnn permalink
    May 23, 2008 9:23 pm

    Chris not only has an amazing vocal talent but he also has phenomenal writing skills. His songs come from the heart and soul and this is very true with the song “Voices.”

    I think each and every one of us will relate to the lyrics of this song in some way. We all have “voices” from our past which have influenced our lives in some way from a mother’s loving words of encouragement to a father’s “big talk” about life. Chris Young has just taken and put those influential words to music.

    This song is sure to be a hit!

  10. cyfan permalink
    May 24, 2008 4:50 pm

    I agree 100 percent with this review. Chris has it all, a great voice, big heart, awesome writing skills and he cares about people. I hope radio gives Chris the chance he so deserves cause in my opinion he is the next big thing in country music. 🙂

  11. towee permalink
    May 24, 2008 11:45 pm

    I agree with this review, “Voices” is one of my favorite of Chris’ songs that I’ve heard too. It’s such a universal song, and I think it resonates with just about everyone. It’s a hit song waiting to happen!

  12. reuben permalink
    May 25, 2008 4:12 am

    this song is the best it rocks

  13. Fay permalink
    May 25, 2008 1:39 pm

    Thanks for that great review! RCA knows talent when they hear it! “Voices” is one of the finest songs on the radio today and is destined to be a big hit for Chris! Just wait till you hear the rest of the new CD! Those of us who know Chris know that he is destined for greatness and we’re behind him for the long haul. Those who are new to his music are sure to be enthralled by the talent they hear, and if they go to his shows, by the talent they see on stage. Chris has everything it takes to be a huge talent in Country Music. Keep your eyes open and your ears listening! Those “Voices” you will be hearing will be HIS!

  14. Rebecca 9 permalink
    May 27, 2008 2:43 pm

    I totally agree with the content of the review regarding this song! I do feel that Chris hasn’t gone anywhere since I too have been listening to him and following his career since Nashville Star. I have attended two of his shows but would attend one every week if I could. He has such a way of making you feel he is singing about your life when he belts out a song! That voice is amazing! I don’t know why he hasn’t rocketed to the top already. This one should do it though! Great song!

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